
What is a group? A group is a conscious association of people and a being in and of itself. A group is created when its existence is realized, in emergent groups this existence is found, in planned groups this existence is founded. The group being is often anthropomorphized, perhaps most clearly seen in legal systems when an association of individuals formalise their group by incorporating ('to build into a body') it into a legal person. Like a person, a group can have a name, a birthday, a purpose, stated values, a bank account and perhaps even a personality. However, the most important aspects for a group, such as its voice and actions, are the aggregated expression of the members.

Bigger is better

Division of labor Division of role -> specialization Technological advances Savings in time and energy -> engage in novel labor

There is a socio-physico-temporal limit

Dunbar study Allen Curve Conversation Combinatorics

We already figured out how to get past that limit

Hierarchies - asserted or elected Law Money

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